For Standard of the Day's 300th post, I give you one of America's finest songs of all time, and one which is an interesting study in second chances. Hupfeld first wrote it for the Broadway musical Everybody's Welcome, in which it was introduced by Frances Williams. And although Rudy Vallee had a hit with it, it would be considered a relatively minor tune until its inclusion as the central theme of Casablanca some 11 years later. Thanks to its appearance in that classic film, including the iconic performance by Dooley Wilson as Sam, it has become one of the most easily identified songs of all time.
Thanks to all who continue to support SOTD. Here's looking at you, kid.
You must remember this,
A kiss is still a kiss,
A sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.
And when two lovers woo,
They still say, I love you.
On this you can rely,
No matter what the future brings,
As time goes by.
Moonlight and love songs,
Never out of date;
Hearts full of passion,
Jealousy and hate;
Woman needs man,
And man must have his mate.
That no one can deny.
It's still the same old story,
A fight for love and glory,
A case of do or die.
The world will always welcome lovers,
As time goes by.
Recorded By:
Frank Sinatra
Tony Bennett
Jimmy Durante
Barbra Streisand
Barry White
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