An iconic anthem of show business in the same vein as "Hooray for Hollywood", this song was composed by prolific musical virtuoso Dana Suesse, one of the rare woman standouts of the songbook era, and a person referred to in the press of the time as "the girl Gershwin". She and accomplished lyricist Edward Heyman purportedly wrote the song for an unproduced Columbia Pictures film, New York Town, but it was instead introduced on record by the legendary Rudy Vallee, who made it an instant classic and one of the songs most evocative of the 1930s.
You oughta be in pictures,
You're wonderful to see,
You oughta be in pictures,
Oh what a hit you would be!
You're wonderful to see,
You oughta be in pictures,
Oh what a hit you would be!
Your voice would thrill a nation,
Your face would be adored,
You'd make a great sensation
With wealth and fame your reward;
Your face would be adored,
You'd make a great sensation
With wealth and fame your reward;
And if you should kiss the way you kiss,
When we're alone,
You'd make ev'ry girl and man
A fan worshiping at your throne.
When we're alone,
You'd make ev'ry girl and man
A fan worshiping at your throne.
Recorded By:
Doris Day
The Boswell Sisters
Al Bowlly
Connie Francis
Joel Grey
"I`m looking for Ike Clanton, anybody knows where he is they better tell me now"
"Hes upstairs Wyatt, tit-fucking the 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985"
"I wonder what astonishing gift the Gods of Olympus will bestow onto me for helping them to restore the empire to its former glory?"
"Spartacus, you will receive THE greatest prize in the entire history of the universe, the 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985, and you will have your knob squashed and squeezed between her astoundingly perfect tits for all eternity!"
"Being the star of a classic like Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid was indeed an honour and i think the ONLY thing i would`ve exchanged the entire experience for would`ve been if i could`ve tit-fucked the astonishing Pauline Hickey from 1985, having my knob squashed and squeezed between arguably THE most unbelievably perfect knockers of all-time and then unloading literally half-a-pint of spunk all over those truly amazing tits would`ve admittedly been infinitely superior to anything that Sam Peckinpah ever had to offer"
"Of all the bars in all the towns in all the world i wish the 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985 would walk into mine", "The world will always welcome massive knockers as time goes by"
"In 1985 Pauline Hickeys tits were - THE STUFF THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF"
"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you`re my only hope, i must find the 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985 because i desperately want to spend an entire year tit-fucking her astounding knockers"
"Use the force Luke and you`ll be spunking all over that stunning birds amazing tits for the next 10,000 years non-stop 24 hours a day ! ! !"
"I`ve seen things you people wouldn`t believe - LIKE PAULINE HICKEYS TITS"
"I`m sure she must`ve been a replicant, no real life chick could ever be that perfect ! ! !"
Dave: "Open pod-bay doors please Hal"
Hal-9000: "I`m sorry Dave i cant do that because i`m too busy having my knob squashed between the 17 year-old Pauline Hickeys unbelievable tits"
"Once upon a midnight dreary, while i pondered weak and weary, suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. `Tis the truly incredible 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985 i muttered, so i let the bird in and buggered and tit-fucked her senseless"
"I`ve shagged literally hundreds of the worlds most gorgeous birds (obviously) but i must admit i`ve NEVER seen anything quite like the 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985, if i could`ve tit-fucked that bird 34 years ago my life would`ve been complete, the bird was a truly mind-boggling mega-titted beauty of the highest order and calibre"
"Your mission Ethan, should you choose to accept it (although in this case i think the second half of that classic was totally unnecessary, if you get my drift ! ! !), is to have your knob squashed and squeezed between the stunning 17 year-old Pauline Hickeys unbelievably perfect tits for 6 hours non-stop and then unload literally 2 pints of spunk all over those truly amazing knockers, good luck Ethan. By the way, this time the secretary definitely will not REPEAT NOT disavow any knowledge of your actions because he desperately wants to do exactly the same things to the 17 year-old Pauline Hickey as well ! ! !"
"Major, you dont have to question whether my orders are right or not from now on, we`ll assume it, OK!. By the way, dont bother me anymore today because i intend to spend the rest of the evening tit-fucking the 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985"
21st July 1969: "I`m gonna` step off the lander now, because the 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985 is waiting for me - THATS A TRULY INCREDIBLE PAIR OF UNBELIEVABLE KNOCKERS THAT I INTEND TO TIT-FUCK NON-STOP 24 HOURS A DAY FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR ! ! !"
"You fucking lucky bastard"
"I`ve shagged a lot of hot chicks in my time but they all pale into nothingness when compared to the truly amazing 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985, i would gladly give up the presidency in exchange for returning to 1985 and having my knob squashed and squeezed between that unbelievable birds incredible tits for 5 years non-stop 24 hours a day uninterrupted. The bird was totally unique, a mind-blowing big-titted sex-pot quite unlike anything i`ve ever seen before or since ! ! !"
Have you seen that hilarious Santa/Trump oriented cartoon thats been doing the rounds on a lot of websites recently ?, in it Santa Claus is on the roof of a house with his reindeer preparing to descend down the chimney but on the other side of the building Donald Trump has climbed up a ladder and is saying to Santa: "While you`re in there take their food stamps", and then Santa says back to Trump: "Food stamps ! ! !, you must be joking Mr. President, this is the house where the quite astonishing 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985 lives and i fully intend to spend the entire night having my willy squashed and squeezed between her truly unbelievable tits and then unload literally half-a-pint of spunk all over them ! ! !", then in the background one of Santa's reindeer says: "Fucking lucky fat bastard, hes gonna` tit-fuck arguably THE most perfect tits of all-time while we`ll have to stand out here all night in the cold and snow like wankers ! ! !". When i saw it i dont think i`ve ever laughed so much in my entire life and its been hailed as a Christmas classic that people will be falling about laughing at for the next 100 years and beyond.
Bob Cratchit: "You did say i could have Christmas Day off Mr. Scrooge ! ?".
Ebenezer Scrooge: "Oh, very well, but be in all the earlier the next morning ! ! !".
Bob Cratchit: "But Mr. Scrooge, the next day is Boxing Day and i want that
as well, you rotten old bastard ! ! !".
scoring that classic goal and lifting the World Cup Trophy in `86 were indeed marvelous and memorable, but if i`m being honest they still only represent and constitute the second greatest time in my life, the MOST incredible thing i ever experienced in my life (and perhaps will EVER experience!) occurred about a year earlier in `85, i was in Dublin in Ireland at exactly the same time (co-incidentally and luckily for me) that the truly amazing 17 year-old Pauline Hickey was there doing some stripping in night clubs so i went back stage to her dressing room at one of the night clubs after she`d finished her act (which was incredible for starters ! ! !) and told her that she drove me wild with lust and desire and that i desperately wanted to tit-fuck her astounding knockers. And then over the next few hours the bird proceeded to provide me with THE greatest and most incredible night of sexual pleasure i`ve ever had in my life, first i spent an hour having my knob squashed and squeezed between arguably the most unbelievably perfect tits of all-time and then i unloaded literally half-a-pint of spunk all over them, then i fucked her, buggered her, sodomized her, 69nd-her, and spunked all over her. Then it was back to those amazing tits for another hour of quite incredible tit-fucking, what a truly mind-blowing bird Pauline Hickey was and i will NEVER forget that amazing night of lust i spent with her in Dublin 34 years ago. And, like i said, it will always be something that even out-ranks winning the World Cup with regards to the greatest and most memorable times of my life ! ! !.
I like those glory-hole videos where the birds guzzle down 15 wads of spunk out of 15 different choppers in 45 minutes, the great thing about them is that the geezers are almost totally anonymous (as they should be of course) so its like the bird is interacting with a completely disembodied dick there-by ensuring that nothing is gonna` spoil your wank. Hey, just imagine the amazing 17 year-old Pauline Hickey doing that, not only would it be fantastic to see the bird guzzle down half-a-gallon of spunk but a lot of the spunk would probably end up on those unbelievable tits (as it drizzled down onto them out of the sides of her gob!) and seeing that incredible bird with her astoundingly perfect tits drenched and dripping with the equivalent of 6 or 7 wads of spunk would`ve represented one of THE greatest masturbation-aids of all-time...COR...WOW...WEY-HEY...! ! !
Christmas for me has always been about the traditional things, a beautiful tree, coloured lights, tinsel, presents, food (in absurdly excessive amounts), booze (in ludicrously excessive amounts), the decorations, that wonderful warm magical Christmassy feeling that only occurs in the 6 weeks between late November and early January, family get-togethers, Christmas movies and music, the list goes on really. But i must admit that for a long time now the MOST magical thing that i experience and enjoy and look forward to at Christmas more than anything else is that every year on December the 25th at 9 in the morning my fairy godmother appears and allows me to travel back in time to 1985 so i can have my willy squashed and squeezed between the quite incredible 17 year-old Pauline Hickeys truly unbelievable tits for 5 hours non-stop and then unload literally half-a-pint of spunk all over those amazingly perfect knockers, i say 5 hours because my fairy godmother always stipulates that i have to return at 2 in the afternoon in time for Christmas dinner with my family otherwise i forfeit the yearly treat with the astonishing Miss Hickey. Christmas and tit-fucking the 17 year-old Pauline Hickey, its such an astoundingly perfect and irresistably joyous way to experience the Yuletide magic. Merry Christmas everyone, and think of me on Christmas morning/early afternoon having my knob squashed and squeezed between arguably THE most stunningly perfect tits of all-time, who knows it might make you feel magical as well (or murderously jealous of me of course, depending on your mood).
"HU...HU...HU...Ohhhhh...The wonderful thing about Tiggers is Tiggers are wonderful things, they`re bouncy trouncy bouncy flouncy fun fun fun fun fun, but the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is i`mmmmm the only one ! ! !...HU...HU...HU..."
HU...HU...HU...Ohhhhh...The wonderful thing about Pauline Hickeys tits is Pauline Hickeys tits are wonderful things, they`re bouncy trouncy bouncy flouncy fun fun fun fun fun, but the most wonderful thing about Pauline Hickeys tits is that you can have your willy squashed and squeezed between them, and then spunk all over them ! ! !...HU...HU...HU..."
Confutious, he say: "Man who has willy squashed and squeezed between incredible 17 year-old Pauline Hickeys unbelievable tits then unload half-pint of spunk all over them circa 1985 forever destined to become President of United States 31 years later in 2016 ! ! !". Confutious wrote that prophesy 3000 years ago, and now, as we all know, its actually come true ! ! !.
Pauline Hickey was 17 in 1985...WOW...the same year that film was made where that incredible bird showed her amazing arse on the highway, imagine having those two astonishing birds as your sex-slaves in 1985 ! ! !, it would be the ultimate tits and arse fantasy, you could alternate between buggering the bird with the unbelievably perfect arse for half-an-hour and then unloading literally half-a-pint of spunk up her bum, then over to the stunning Pauline for half-an-hour of incredible tit-fucking and then unloading literally half-a-pint of spunk over her astounding tits and perhaps pearl necklace the bird as well. Like i said, you could then alternate between the two birds for literally a year of non-stop bummin` one bird and tit-fucking the other ! ! !, it would be total perfection and quite amazing.
In the remake of Black Christmas (2006) i liked the scene where the geezer was spying on the gorgeous bird taking a shower, that birds arse was unbelievable and such a classic masturbation-aid in the freeze frame mode ! ! !.
Heres a list of things i desperately want to do to the 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985: I want to fuck her, bugger her, sodomize her, 69 her, spunk all over her, and of course...OF COURSE...tit-fuck the bird senseless. 34 years ago that birds tits were THE most staggeringly and mind-bogglingly unbelievable i`ve EVER seen, the bird was totally beyond belief.
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